Mienet ekonomisk förening

Årlig avgift (2014) för passiva och aktiva medlemmar
Månadskostnader för aktiva medlemmar 100 kr.
Wexnet nätavgift upp till 100 Mbit 150 kr.
(OBS att nätavgiften till Wexnet är 450 kr/mån. om man väljer 1000 Mbit!)
Mienet avgift (administration) 65 kr.
Leverantörskostnader är beroende av vilka tjänster man har, samt vilken hastighet och vilken leverantör man väljer. (Se Wexnets hemsida).
Medlemmar som enbart har trygghetslarm betalar ingen avgift till vare sig Wexnet eller Mienet.
Nätavgiften till Wexnet är den samma oberoende av om man bara har internetuppkoppling eller har såväl internet, IP telefoni som tv via fiberoptik.
Information in English
Mienet is an Economic Committee for a fibre-optic network in the villages around the Lake Mien in Tingsryd Municipality in the south of Sweden. Right now about 101 households are connected to the network. Among these are permanent residents as well as summer residents from Sweden and abroad.
The advantages of a fibre-optic network are obvious; it means that the internet connection is highly reliable and that you will be able to connect at a high speed. As a summer resident, you may also appreciate that you will be able to connect different kind of alarm, monitoring and equipment to guide heat by remote control. Some may even prolong their stay in the district due to the fact that they will be able to work online through the internet.
Mienet intends to cooperate with power companies so that digging/excavation for cables and fibre will take place simultaneously. This means that if you have joined Mienet, your power connection will automatically be safer and with fewer interruptions.
The costs for each member depend on how many households are going to join, on what contributions we can get and how much volunteer work each and everyone is prepared to do. But the association is doing its utmost to keep costs at a level of SEK 30.000 per household/connection.
If you don’t speak Swedish and you are interested in connecting to the network and would like to get in contact with the committee, please do not hesitate to contact the following persons:
Mienet ekonomiskt förening
Grönteboda 4,
SE-36013 Urshult, Sweden
+46 70 302 64 85